Ken Anholt

Ken began his broadcasting career in 1948, serving as a Studio Technician at CKUA, Edmonton. His interest in broadcast engineering confirmed, he moved to CJCA in a like position for five years, and from there went to CFCW, Camrose, as Chief Engineer.

A highlight of his broadcasting career was the building of the original CFCW studios and transmitter in 1954.

In another facet of his broadcasting career, while at CFCW Ken conceived “The Scandinavian Program”, which he hosted for six years.

Ken also served as Chief Engineer at CKYL in Peace River, but he was to find his true home at CBC Radio, Edmonton, when he went to CBX in 1961. His duties there also encompassed work with the Corporation’s French language station in Edmonton, CHFA.

As Studio Technician and Manager of Technical Services, Ken was with the CBC in Edmonton for 28 years, during which time he assisted in the design and execution of the first automated and computer-controlled central Control Room for both the English and French CBC stations.

The occasion of Edmonton’s Centennial in 2004 served to remind Ken Anholt of his participation in the city’s 50th Anniversary, in 1954. The main event of the 1954 celebrations was a pageant in the “Edmonton Gardens”. Written by Elsie Park Gowan, it depicted people and events of Edmonton’s first half-century. As Ken recalls, most of the sound was pre-recorded and the actors were required to lip-synch. CJCA’s Doug Homersham produced the sound recording, and the technicians were Gordon Skutle and Ken Anholt! Their equipment consisted of two magnacorder tape machines which were state of the art at the time.

Ken was to see many changes in the equipment and technology of Broadcast Engineering during the span of his excellent career.

filed 2004

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for Edmonton Broadcasters past and present