Bob Layton

CHED News Manager, Bob Layton, was our Spring Luncheon speaker in April 2017, shortly after he published his book, Welcome to Radio, about his 47 years in broadcasting.

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As Bob explains below, there are several ways to buy his book:

  • Invite Bob to speak to your local organization
  • Make arrangements in advance with Bob to pick one up at the CHED studios ($20)
  • An autographed (indicate to whom) book will be mailed if you e-transfer* $28 for postage and bubble envelope to; be sure to e-mail the password that Bob will need to accept the payment from you
  • If you have an electronic book reader, the price is less than $10 for:  Kindle format from (click based on your location), and; Kobo format at

*e-transfers are typically made through your bank; Bob is not set up to accept credit cards or PayPal

From Bob


It’s Bob Layton from 630 CHED.  As you may have heard, I have a book out, Welcome To Radio, about my 47 years in broadcasting.   It has stories of the guys from the “glory” days like Jerry Forbes, Wes Montgomery, Bob McCord, Chuck Chandler, Len Thuesen, Randy Kilburn, Bruce Bowie, Grant Wiens, Eddie Keen and even bizarre stories about Cam Tait!

It tells the story of how FM took over the music scene and how CHED switched from rock to talk and the issues that resulted, especially when CJCA went dark.

Welcome to Radio has the background story on how we were able to raise millions to buy a police helicopter, when two other groups had been refused permission.

And, you will read why women, when I was just starting out, were not allowed to read news.

I am selling these books by offering to speak to your organization at no charge, with 30 or so minutes of hilarious stories and some that may make you misty.   I would have books for sale with no pressure to buy.

Welcome to Radio can also be downloaded from

Proceeds are going to charities like 630 CHED’s Santas Anonymous, Global TV’s Give Me (women’s) Shelter program, and the Edmonton Police Foundation which supports many worthy endeavors.

If you are interested in an evening of light entertainment with the opportunity to help those in need, please contact me at  If you are out of town we can also accept e-transfers, but be sure to e-mail me the password that I will need to accept it.

Thank you,

Bob Layton

Click to enlarge a picture:

Click above to enlarge a picture.

for Edmonton Broadcasters past and present