Contact Member by e-mail

Non-existent ID specified in URL: uniqueid=95
//  This function gets triggered (later) automatically after user input validation and cforms processing
function my_cforms_logic($cformsdata,$oldvalue,$setting) {
if ($setting == “adminEmailTXT”) {
$uniqueid = $cformsdata[‘data’][‘uniqueid’];
$subject = “Someone sent you a Message through”;
// Do the bcc to the sender first.  It also notifies someone that their e-mail was used to send a message.
mail($cformsdata[‘data’][‘Your Name’] . ” <” . $cformsdata[‘data’][‘Your e-mail address’] . “>”, $subject,
$cformsdata[‘data’][‘Message’],    “From: ” . $cformsdata[‘data’][‘Your e-mail address’]);
return $oldvalue;
}// TEST ONLY — need valid values!
$uniqueid = 22;  // ebc database Unique ID for the Member to whom the message is being sent
$membername = “test name”;$fields = array();
$n = 0;
$fields[‘label’][$n] = “uniqueid|$uniqueid”;
$fields[‘type’][$n] = “hidden”;
$n += 1;
$fields[‘label’][$n] = “Your Name”;
$fields[‘type’][$n] = “textfield”;
$fields[‘isreq’][$n] = 1;
$n += 1;
$fields[‘label’][$n] = “Your e-mail address”;
$fields[‘type’][$n] = “textfield”;
$fields[‘isreq’][$n] = 1;
$fields[‘isemail’][$n] = 1;
$n += 1;
$fields[‘label’][$n] = “Message”;
$fields[‘type’][$n] = “textarea”;
$fields[‘isreq’][$n] = 1;


for Edmonton Broadcasters past and present