Monica Miller


Monica Esther Miller
February 25, 1955 – August 11, 2019

“Life is a blessin’. It’s a delicatessen.” – John Prine

Not everybody gets the opportunity to write their own obituary but circumstance, for better or worse, is allowing me to do so; and as John Prine points out, for those of us fortunate to have so much bounty, life can be much like an endless array of beautiful choices and the freedom to choose what makes us happy. As such, I have been blessed.

For me, the blessings began with a large, embracing, loving family. I was a cared for, cherished little girl tucked in among grandparents, parents, brothers, cousins…more luck than choice perhaps, but still, lucky me. Later, finding work at the incomparable CKUA Radio Network, that for 40-odd years allowed me to play, learn, experiment, and share the magical world of radio with unsuspecting listeners, while having the opportunity to meet, work with, and learn from the best of the best. Viva CKUA!

Then meeting the man who remains my best choice ever: the amazing, funny, warm, kind, smart, supportive guy who has shared my life for 30-odd (sometimes very odd) years, Ken Regan. Some luck there – but mostly just sheer joy and pockets full of great memories. Together we made the miraculous, and also amazing, funny, warm, kind, smart, supportive, and handsome Evan Regan. Sail on, young man, and build a happy, fulfilling life, jam-packed with great joys.

Add in a lifetime of friends who have been there always; no matter what, no matter where, no questions asked. You know who you are and you know that I love you all beyond words. Then add my beautiful half-siblings, Jamie, Charles and Andy, in-laws Joni, Christine and Brandy and especially my sweet, strong, and wise big brother Joe … and you will understand why I fly away feeling very blessed.

Notes from the Family

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Monica Miller Scholarship at MacEwan University, designed to support female students in their graduating year of a Creative Writing program; or the charity of one’s choice.

Monica is predeceased by parents Stanley Miller and Miriam Levine Miller, and step-mother Esther Helman Miller. She is survived by her husband Ken Regan, son Evan Regan, brothers Joe Miller (Joni Bulat), Jaimie Miller (Brandy McGee), Charles Miller (Christine Ho Miller), and Andy Miller.

Monica and her family offer sincere thanks to Dr. Helen Steed and her staff at Cross Cancer Institute, Dr. Susan Campbell for decades of care and advice and to M.A.I.D. Edmonton, for steering us all through turbulent waters, helping to make them as peaceful as possible.

A memorial service and burial will take place August 13th, at 11:00 am, at the Edmonton Jewish Cemetery (7622 – 101 Ave).

Published in the Edmonton Journal on August 13, 2019

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