Steve Shannon

Until the Summer of 1990, Steve Shannon was as a DJ at Edmonton’s King-FM (CKNG), the station that became Power 92 after being paired with CHED. Steve was born in England on December 22, 1947 as Steven Castonguay, and died of cancer on December 26, 2018 (71) at St-Jérôme Hotel Dieu Hospital in the Laurentians region of Quebec.


Steve Shannon (Castonguay), 71, on Dec. 26 of cancer. Shannon started his career in the early 1970s doing evenings at CKGM and CFOX Montréal, and from there made stops at 680 CFTR Toronto, CHAM Hamilton, CKTB, CJQR and CHTZ St. Catharines, CHVR Pembroke, CJMO Moncton, CKXL Calgary, CKNG Edmonton and CIMA (now CKST) Vancouver. He also ran a public speaking coaching business for executives in Vancouver. In 2013, he moved to the BC Interior and became the owner of The Bear (CHLW-FM) in Barriere, BC, north of Kamloops. He operated the station until 2017 when he was diagnosed with cancer.

Broadcast Dialogue – January 17, 2019

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