CHQT Group Shot

CHED Mention
When? Wednesday, April 15th, 2015, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Where? Norwood Legion, 11150 82 St. NW, Edmonton.
What? CHQT 50th Anniversary/Reunion:
- Oven-roasted Chicken Buffet Lunch (12 noon)
- Cakes cut and served, to Celebrate CHQT’s 50th and Murray Blakely’s 80th
- Program begins, with Bruce Hogle M/C
- 4 minute CAB video of Murray’s Career, including CHQT Tornado Coverage
- CHQT History from its Founder’s Perspective, as told by his son, Craig Roskin
- Working at CHQT in the early years (Bill Bagshaw)
Also on display: a rotating slideshow from Lew Roskin’s personal CHQT collection, on the screen; and a large collection of CHQT Memorabilia from across the years, on tables for viewing.

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